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            <center>资源 <a href="https://kdocs.cn/l/crzS58nUMuN2">金山文档 </a></center>
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        let cachedData = null; // Cache to store fetched data

        async function fetchTxt() {
            if (cachedData) {
                return cachedData; // If data is cached, return cached data
            const response = await fetch('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xiaobaiweinuli/duanju/main/%E5%90%88%E9%9B%86.txt');
            const content = await response.text();
            const data = content.split('\n').map(line => {
                const [text, link] = line.split('\\n');
                return [text ? text.trim() : '', link ? link.trim() : ''];
            cachedData = data; // Cache the fetched data
            return data;

        async function search() {
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            const data = await fetchTxt();
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                        link.textContent = '前往';
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                } else {
                    resultTable.style.display = 'none';
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                document.getElementById('extraContent').style.display = 'block'; // Show extra content